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American Foods Other Countries Find Disgusting

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

One Redditor claimed that Australians watched them eat this classic school lunch sandwich in disgust. Why? Well, they claimed that it looked like dog food.

Uh, their loss. We don’t think a country that eats vegemite can really comment on our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

baibaz -



This is a popular submission for one reason and one reason only: the sweetness. Our bread is incredibly sweet in America. It’s disgusting for other people to eat it because, in other countries, it borders dessert in sweetness.

While America loves anything and everything sweet, other countries prefer salty. Anyone that makes their own bread can agree that sweet bread is kinda odd. Apparently, America can't eat anything unless it has a "healthy" dose of sugar. 

Nitr -

Hot Pockets

Hot Pockets

Hot Pockets are supposed to be convenient ways to eat on the go, for a broke college student. If you're an adult, we're hoping you don't eat it. People outside the United States understand why this "food" is so bad. 

Because of all the stuff added to them, they taste like artificial food. There’s nothing wrong with loving a calzone or meat pie, but this? Hot Pockets are so far from fresh that you could classify them as décor.

billtster -



In general, many countries laugh at our chocolate. Hershey’s is a popular one to pick on because it doesn’t really seem like chocolate. Sure, it vaguely tastes like cocoa-y goodness, but eating high-quality chocolate shows Hershey’s flaws.

America doesn’t really have any requirements for what can be called “chocolate.” Thus, we have “chocolate flavored” candy. In places like Switzerland and even England, there are regulations for how much cocoa and milk fat should be in the confection. Hershey's actually tastes like vomit. 

AlenKadr -



Yeah, this makes sense. Even though people like grits, it’s not the most appealing thing in the world. It’s essentially polenta that’s cooked until it’s a flavorless goo.

It’s pretty for people that no longer have teeth. The rest of us stay away from this goop, whether it’s served for breakfast or lunch. We’re not surprised other countries find it so repulsive. 

Lynne Ann Mitchell -

High Fructose Corn Syrup

High Fructose Corn Syrup

One question: why is it in everything? Taking a quick look at food products, you’ll quickly find out that it’s in everything from pasta sauce to bread.

People from other countries don’t get it. It seems like America is catching on as products are being labeled “free of high fructose corn syrup.” Let’s hope this trend continues.

Michelle -

Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet Potato Casserole

This one is a Thanksgiving staple for many people. What really trips visitors up is the sweet potatoes mixed with marshmallows. All the brown sugar and butter probably doesn’t help.

Gotta admit that this one is pretty nasty. If you eat too much of it, you get sick from all the sweetness. Because it's so rich, it's best to eat only a little...or none at all. We suggest none. 

MSPhotographic -



It isn’t just ranch that people from other countries find disgusting. It’s the fact Americans put ranch on everything. Pizza? Ranch. Potatoes? Ranch. Chicken? Ranch.

Apparently, it’s also pretty popular in Canada, but places like Poland find it odd. They even call it “American Sauce.” Considering how good it is, we’re gonna accept this happily.

Peter Kim -

Corn Dogs

Corn Dogs

Corn dogs go one of two ways for visitors: either they hate ’em or they love ’em. While some tourists adore the cornbread-dipped food, others get sick at the thought.

One Quora user said, “For some reason I thought they would be sweet. When I hit the sausage I nearly vomited.” While an Aussie Redditor claimed, “Every texture is disgusting, it sticks to every part of the mouth, and I swear shame must be a key ingredient. It has no redeeming features.”

GreenArt Photography -

Imitation Cheese

Imitation Cheese

Not just any cheese – imitation cheese. Every country has cheese, but America seems to be one of the few places that have pasteurized cheese food products.

The difference between this stuff and cheese is the number of additives in it. Because there’s so much added that’s not cheese, it can’t be labeled as such. Hold on while we throw up.

JHVEPhoto -

Root Beer

Root Beer

While visiting from Germany, students claimed that root beer smelled like toothpaste or mouthwash. This one makes a lot of sense. It tastes and smells like you're drinking cough syrup.

Root beer flavored toothpaste or mouthwash also sounds nasty. Let's just nix root beer completely. Companies can't seem to get any flavored toothpaste right, much less root beer. 

Andrew Kazmierski -



Our cakes are apparently too sweet. Compared to cakes from an Asian or Mexican market, American cakes have so much sugar it’ll give you diabetes after one bite.

A lot of people also hate the frosting on our cakes. That would depend on the frosting. The cheap stuff? Gross. Buttercream or cream cheese is where it’s at. Also, get outta our face with that fondant crap.

New Africa -



Anyone that isn’t familiar with Twizzlers may think that they’re some kind of fruit-flavored spirals or twists. Those of us who do know what the candy knows that it’s anything but.

It’s more of a plastic, vaguely flavored stick of sugar and gelatin. One Redditor went as far as to say, “Twizzlers will forever remain my biggest disappointment.”

uwimages -

York Peppermint Patty

York Peppermint Patty

For some people, York Peppermint Patty is the best treat you could give them. For others…not so much. Even some Americans hate this confection.

When visiting from Japan, one Redditor claimed that it was the grossest thing they’ve ever eaten, and it tasted like toothpaste. Well, toothpaste is mint flavored. Is there something wrong with a fresh mouth?

(Image via York)



Most countries take pride in a good cup of joe. America? We load it down with sugar and two cups of milk. If not, we pick the cheapest stuff on the shelf and brew it.

One Redditor from Switzerland bought a Dunkin Donuts coffee only to find it utterly disgusting. You can’t really expect much from a chain that asks if you want room for sugar in your already sugary latte. 


Chicken and Waffles

Chicken and Waffles

We’ll defend this one to the death. This southern dish is absolutely delicious. The sweet syrup with the savory, salty chicken, finished off with a carb-loaded waffle. What isn’t to love?

Apparently, tourists to America find it gross. Our question to them: have they ever tried it? It’s weird at first, but it’s like pizza and ranch – oh wait. They don’t like that either.

(Image via Pixabay)



You can’t go camping or on a road trip without jerky unless you’re not American. One Quora user stated, “Tastes like plastic and you may feel you are chewing a worn shoe sole.”

We’ll give them the worn shoe texture. That’s sometimes true, but it’s also the mark of a cheap jerky. As far as flavor, it probably shouldn’t taste like plastic. Maybe don’t get your jerky at a gas station?

HandmadePictures -



Apparently, our mustard tastes different? According to one Quora user, “Mustard that is bright yellow and tastes like vinegar, and not like mustard. You can only get this in North America. Anywhere else mustard looks, tastes, and smells entirely different.”

Considering how disgusting mustard is, it's a little hopeful that it tastes different in other countries. Time to go shopping for decent condiments. 

aleksakarina -

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter

We’ve already mentioned peanut butter and jelly, but peanut butter is one of the most popular submissions whenever this question is asked. It isn’t that they hate peanut butter – just OUR peanut butter.

Among the complaints is that the color is off and that there’s way too much sugar. Some even say that it doesn’t taste like peanuts. They make peanut butter that’s just ground peanuts, though.

Africa Studio -

Mac and Cheese Cheetos

Mac and Cheese Cheetos

Okay, so…for the record: most Americans didn’t dig this food either. Burger King has a habit of coming up with the weirdest stuff. While their tacos aren’t the nastiest thing on Earth, no one goes to a burger place for tacos (yet BK still sold them).

Among those disgusting concoctions were mac and cheese Cheetos. We’re not sure how it existed in the first place. It should be discontinued and banned from Burger King’s marketing department.

(Image via Facebook)